[JOJO GW FM] Unità Speciale

You can talk in here Day and Night

Do Not Post in here til Game Start!

Uhhh… tell me any of you can protect.

Actually no, Kyle is most likely just scum.

That’s fine.

Makes sense

bruh hol up

Are we able to talk or are we still bullshitting

We are able to talk

Then dont expect much from me

X to doubt anyone gave anything to eevee

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So this contains not just friendlies

I actually did.

It says it will all be good if I won’t do anything rash.
Sounded like a threat tbh.

Nice reaction test

So we’re five members, and I don’t watch JoJo really, but reading the wiki I would assume that is Squalo, Tiziano, Carne, Cioccolata and Secco.

Shall we introduce ourselves and try to work together or leave this chat dead?

We aren’t all JoBros so it depends.