The Prince
Blue Dragon Killer
Passive (Unstoppable) - Cannot be occupied or redirected.
Passive (Royal Blood) - Can put your name forward for nominations to become The Next King.Day Ability (Imprison) - Choose a player to jail tonight. Abilities targeting them at night will be prevented. Can only imprison the same player 3 times.(Infinite Uses)
Night Ability (Execute) - Execute the jailed player. If they are Blue Dragon , you will no longer be able to Execute. Not Usable until N3.(3 Uses)
Goal: Defeat The Unseen/The Cult and any Neutrals that seek you harm.Converts into:
The Duke
Unseen Killer
Passive (Untouchable) - Cannot be occupied or redirected. Will not become The Assassin if the previous one dies. Won’t know who The Unseen is.
Passive (Royal Blood) - Can put your name forward for nominations to become The Next King.Day Ability (Imprison) - Choose a player to jail tonight. Abilities targeting them at night will be prevented. Can only imprison the same player 3 times.(Infinite Uses)
Day Ability (Aid) - Check if a player is Unseen.(1 Use)Night Ability (Execute) - Execute the jailed player. If they are Unseen , you will no longer be able to Execute. Not Usable until N3. (3 Uses)
Night Ability (Nightshade) - Poison the jailed player. They will be notified that they have been poisoned the next day.(2 Uses)
Goal: Defeat The Blue Dragon and any Neutrals that seek you harm.
Converted prince is too strong which is why we don’t have it.
Telling you now for a evil prince to ever be balanced at MOST he can only have 1 execute
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Joke Class Suggestion
Okay I read the class this time not the name D: