Have a class that you made which is hilarious, but not a serious suggestion? Post it here!
[Joke Role] Blankmediadeveloper
Ability: Steal everyone else’s Roles
Goal: Make money
[Joke role]Forum user
Ability: Create meme post and find the remnant of Teemo.
Goal: Summon the Teemo, the greatest dark lord.
what role did they steal? I don’t think they did steal any.
“Joke Classes Thread” Hey, its a fucking joke. On the internet, get over it cough Coven cough
Role : Sans
Passive : Feels urge to catch a human
Abilties : Capture a human soul - 1 use
Goal : Capture a human ;"D
Class: serial killer
ability: kill someone
ability 2: kill 2 people
goal: kill 3 people
Neutral Potato
Potato(Passive): Be a potato
Objective: Be a potato
passive 1: immune to being visited at night
Passive 2: required votes to put the spectator on trial are doubled
goal: survive
Passive 1: Claim you are Sheriff
Passive 2: Claim you will help BD
Goal: Died
Passive 1: claim you are fool to see if the other sheriff claim is unseen or fool
Passive 2: have no one else be willing to understand using unusual strategies
goal: convince the BD not to kill their only chance
Stop it
Stahp(Passive): You will immediately blacklist people talking about how ongoing FoL games are going because if you want to talk about the game do it in the thread you butts
class: okie
passive: dokie: will stahp
night ability: arti: will stop
day ability: chokie: well stuop
goal: stop
Day ability, Delicious Bread: Feed someone bread that’s so delicous that it brings tears to their eyes. Their vision will be blurred for 10 seconds. (2 uses)
Night ability 1, Healthy Bread: Feed someone healthy bread, healing them for the night.
Night ability 2, Poisoned Bread: Feed someone poisoned bread, killing them instantly. (2 uses)
isn’t this alchemist, lul
It’s joke classes.
Class: Brain
Passive 1: Cut out at random times
Passive 2: Makes Rogue punch themself
Goal: Make life horrible for Rogue