Katze tried to host a GI Turbo [5/9] - Day 2 - The Unseen (Amelia, Marshal, and Italy) won!

jake’s gonna see this one day and go “wtf italy”

Once ya know
He gets unbanned

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I have started to become a furry
The furrying is happening
I am now a vulpera in WoW and I’ve been a catgirl

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Kyo NO

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Should I try to draw my fursona

you have exposed me to images of catgirls so many times that i’m starting to think they’re actually cute

you have inflicted irreversible damage


do i do another one

  • yes
  • opposite of yes

0 voters

What are you doing to those poor cat girls

being them


im scared to try again

You have my mental support. Go forth :^)

thats even worse

you should be

we both know i’m going to have ultra killpower

you had the opposite of kill power

and then you got converted

That was the point, nerd.

i had a vote

run another game but without the king would be more interesting

king is overrated
