Katze tried to host a GI Turbo [5/9] - Day 2 - The Unseen (Amelia, Marshal, and Italy) won!


im omnimiller

GT has to be done in classcard

miller what

my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined

Oh my. /unvote

Disappointing tbh


24 hours days

how hyped are you guys!!!

/vote pardon

sulit has been put on Grand Trial!

This lasts like 15 minutes I guess because no it’s not lasting 24 hours I hate you firekitten

if you’re going to claim miller then don’t leave us in total darkness here

my class card lied to me then

I demand compensation

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woe is me

what have i doooooooooone

bad mod opinion

you get this stick of gum

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I expected my class card not to lie


Sulit is also proabbly scum

but still

Dam this really be a bastard game

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you guys should murder fk if i get yeeted

cloned what are you specifically nerd