The General
Faction: Blue dragon
If the general is not present in a game, the starting unseen/cult and NK will be informed (because he is out on campaign and they killed him before he could return to court)
Passive 1: Strongarm Succession: when voting for a new king, your vote counts twice (stacks when voting for someone with royal blood so the vote counts as 4 votes)
Passive 2: Coup d’etat: if the king attempts to decide fate execute you, you will kill him and be pardoned instead.
Day: Strategize (2 uses): gain a use of each of your night abilities. you will be unable to accuse of treason or vote for the rest of the day (rescinds any accusations you have made at that point). cannot be used if a trial has occurred that day already.
Night 1: Court martial (1 uses): Kill target player who was put on trial the previous day but not executed. if the king or sorcerer decided fate pardon on them, bypass death immunity.
Night 2: Convene with troops (0 use): Gain death immunity for the night, and the next day if there are too few people to elect a new king and there is no king, become king. You will appear as evil to investigators for the night.
The Warlord
Faction: unseen
Passive 1: Strongarm Succession: when voting for a new king, your vote counts twice (stacks when voting for someone with royal blood so the vote counts as 4 votes)
Passive 2: Coup d’etat: if the king attempts to decide fate execute you, you will kill him and be pardoned instead.
Day: Putsch (1 use): immediately put the king on trial. votes to execute will count twice. If he is not executed, you will be put on trial, and votes will count double against you as well. usable even during the trial of someone else (including yourself).
Night 1: Court martial (1 uses): Kill target player who was put on trial the previous day but not executed. if the king or sorcerer decided fate pardon on them, bypass death immunity.
Night 2: Topple Government (1 uses): attack the king. If you successfully kill him, all players will lose the royal blood passive (they will not be informed). If there are too few players left for a new king to be elected and you succeed in killing the king, the unseen will immediately win the game.
1: it could be argued that the general/warlord is more of a social class rather then a killer class. However, I wanted the general to be a good claim for evil killers without princess investigate screwing them over. But maybe people think that it should be a social class, so that the princess can threaten anyone who try to use general as an “easy” claim (easy in quotation since the general can confirm themselves at the end of the game by becoming king, though by then it might not matter)
2: the warlord has the ability to kill, which some might object to since the assassin is meant to be the killer for the unseen. However, I think here it is appropriate since court martial can only be used on people who were put on trial the previous day, and topple government may only target the king (who often has death immunity from guards night ability).
3: general considerations: The general can snatch victory from the jaws of defeat if they are still alive at the end of the game by becoming king, but the warlord can do the same if the king wasted his guards earlier and the warlord uses topple government. The general also acts as a counter balance to whichever faction got the starting king on their side (the unseen will have to convert the general of course), since he has anti-king abilities.