I realize this might sound sooooo silly in the eyes of veteran players, but I wonder if newer/novice players actually realize their faction alignment as King. When I first started, I erroneously believed I was BD when I was Neut, and visa versa, etc. I wonder, could the King’s Faction icon/description be made just a little bit more obvious for those of us a little slow on the uptake?
Sometimes I encounter BD kings who totally trash their own faction, and when they die everyone is shocked to discover they are BD. Veteran (seemingly advanced?) players don’t seem to do this - so I wonder if it’s a matter of understanding the class card information clearly, just like I goofed on when I first started playing.
Rolling King can be overwhelming if you’re not yet a confident ToL player, and there’s a lot of info to keep track of! It seems it would just make life easier on everyone
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