King For A Day Tournament

Try using Wolf instead of Falco

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Thats the plan for ultimate.

wolf is not in melee

Young Link > Toon Link

Change my mind

I know, weā€™re in Brawl territory

Miss me with that tripping

trips Pug x100

downloads project m

Okay fixed

downloads legacy xp

There we go

But seriously.

I hope whoever came up with tripping got fired

Yeah, but Iā€™m giving the guy that suggested Pitā€™s Final Smash in Brawl a raise

Petition to change Dededeā€™s final smash to buff dedede (star allies)

I feel like you must not like shooters

Tbh. Yeah, they arent my favorite thing in the world.

But I can enjoy one.

I used to enjoy playing Splatoon 2. Just got repetitive

Itā€™s time Pug

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Oh boy, time to get back to playing Buck again.

I like the look of six siege

So close

Honestly just call it Siege

Rainbow Six is the series, so pulling Six Siege out of Rainbow Six: Siege sounds weird :stuck_out_tongue:

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