King For A Day Tournament

Like come on guys, Splatoon isnt that good.

Shit is repetitive man.
Like it’s still better than many shooters out there and actually has originality (unlike fortnite and all the other add battle royale)

Best part is there is no battle royale.

But god i cant bring myself to play it again. Its just so do the same thing

Ill take it like a real man.

(Not like meme who pussies out and says im gonna be banned because I called him a nono word)

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Looks at most video games



Very true.

no u?

I cunt say it here


I mean, thats in most multiplayer video games though, it can be repetitive at times. But, the players playing it can make it less stale by doing something in the game that can change how a match can go.

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no u

@Memesky boy you think you funny but look at ya hairline be looking like the mcdonald symbol

No u shield

U think u funny but u just copy jokes from internet

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Ah the hypocrisy here. It hurts

no u.

Grabs :popcorn:

Leeeetttts get riiiiiight into the neeeeews

DramaAlert pug vs memesky boxing match


nono w?*


There’s a pug vs meme discord server

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Where I fuckin kill u like a burnt duck


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