King for Another Day Tournament

ngl I don’t know who to vote for now in all honesty

im voting for DPftP overall and mariya in second

other than that i guess LD

Law and Disorder probably just wins the tournament without dropping a game in all honesty

HOW THE FUCK did Weird Al Fucking Yankovic lose to some dead Japanese lady with exactly one popular song that isn’t even good


Okay, I’m quoting this without any context

Also missingno’s sources are trash how is he getting this far

L&D sweeping was expected

Despite my love for jazz music they just fit the channel better

Also very happy that DJ Professor K is doing so well

He was my favorite last time (although in the end UHC2 was definitely the best pick for ruling the channel for a day)


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My disappointment is immeasurable
Daft Punk had only good rips and Missingno wins dansgame

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Bitch what the fuck

The first part of the tournament were all good results

This latter half has been some fuckshit

Both of these wins are straight trash

Underdog bias

Fairly sure that’s why these results are the way they are
I’ve listened to a majority of Mariya/Missingno

Missingno is pretty good overall, so I’m not that mad at them beating DP

Mariya is…average
Like they have some good stuff but it’s meh by comparison to a lot of Jazz Cats

It’s actually fairly wide due to the amount of things that get stuck in development hell
But it’s not that wide in terms of actual quality stuff

Nostalgia is the biggest swing here probably

But like glitch electronic and future funk or whatever are just not great