This is just my two cents on the matter.
The King (Random Special)
Passive - Power of the Crown - Your vote counts as two, for both putting a player on trial and executing. (BD KING ONLY: If you are executed by the court during the day, it will require 1 extra vote to place a player on trial and to execute from now on, permanently)
Passive - Tenacity - You are immune to occupation and redirection by all abilities. (If Psycho King, add 'immune to death at night ’ to this as well.
Day - Decide Fate - Decide the fate of a player on trial. This removes your second vote permamently - 1 use
Day - Royal Summons - Arrange an audience with a player, allowing them to talk with you if not jailed by the Prince. - Infinite uses
Night - Guards - Same as current.
wincon here
It’s simply my opinion on how King should be, taking some suggesrions by others.