Cross-posting from my thread over on reddit.
OK, King’s getting a lot of flak after this most recent patch- he’s more of a liability than an asset to everyone, not someone you can trust on any level, not very kingly. Why have the (King) flare if he’s more of a glorified random-align executioner?
I’ll get right to the point- I want a more thematic, more important king that can control the ebb & flow of the game.
To do that, first: make starter Kings always Neut, with the objective of keeping someone of noble blood on the throne. Predictable.
Give him another Decide fate, AND the prince’s jail (without the no-BD-kills caveat), but take away his normal guards. Instead he knows the identity of one knight at the start of the game. His invest skill now tells him if the target has noble blood, if they can guard/heal/protect him, or if they’re none of the above. Lastly give him a “Pace: See if someone visited you tonight.” ability.
Elaboration on the jail- the prince still has access to it but only 1 person can be jailed per night & the king’s choice takes priority over the prince’s (and wastes the prince’s turn if he attempts to use it). People wouldn’t know if it’s the neut king or the BD prince jailing them. They each have 2 charges of execute. Give the prince something like the princess’ flirt to keep him busy/give him a backup ability.
As for no regular guards, knowing a knight, Pace, and his invest skill- the objective is to make the king carefully manage his whispers & bully people for protection with his executes, instead of just hitting his guard button.
The end result is that no one likes him, (including the prince, who can’t use his jail without permission anymore), no one can trust him 100%, BUT he’s still generally on the side of BD, at least at the start of the game, and due to his jail & free kills everyone has to respect/work with him. Also, his objective to keep royal blood on the throne at all costs & his reliance on other people to do it would sap the protection infrastructure the currently-OP sheriff relies upon, while also soft-nerfing the role of the prince & the threat of jailing vs cult/unseen.
Not to mention, it keeps an ability theme going on within the royal family- jail, ‘flirt’, and pace/wisp.
Question is, what to do about those that ascend to kingship?
I haven’t given this part much thought, but we don’t want too many free executes floating around. Hmm. Also-
maybe get rid of noble blood’s first claim to the throne, instead leaving that responsibility to the king marking his successor/keeping logs.
What do you guys think?