When reporting a player, remember a few things to help us out!!
Are you reporting a journal or deathnote?
Make sure you provide as much info as possible, screenshots make things a lot easier for us. If you screenshot something ingame, you can provide a link to that screenshot in the summary.
Do you suspect cheating or multiaccounting?
While we appreciate that it’s not easy to determine this but if you suspect someone to be cheating, multiaccounting or even hacking, give us as much information as you can using the summary. Let us know which days/nights you observed this on. Note that voice chatting generally or streaming (without giving away private info) is NOT cheating. Watching a stream in your own game or giving away unrevealed info in voice chat IS cheating.
Did somebody say something they shouldn’t?
If somebody is disrespecting you, they are breaking the rules. But if somebody is using bad words without being insulting, they aren’t breaking the rules. There are a few words we don’t allow though and those are filtered in this Discord.
Did somebody gamethrow?
Sometimes it’s hard to determine a gamethrow, it can go from leaving a game because you didn’t like your class or completely revealing your Unseen faction members. There are many instances where gamethrowing is not the case though, like appearing “afk” but not actually being “afk” and then being trollboxed can sometimes look like they’re gamethrowing.
False Reports
We do deal with reports and we do want to make sure we get through them fast and efficiently. Problems rise when we get false reports, whether it’s a players bickering over who reports who or someone being mad about losing and reporting the winners for ‘cheating’ and it happens, we issue warnings to the reporter for a false report.
Inside Reports
We don’t just deal with the accused player, some punishments come from observing the other players within report logs. So even if you missed someone, we will catch up to them!
Report results
We get tons of reports, you can imagine. Please don’t ask us the results of a report. Trust us that we’ll deal with it the best we can.
“Warned for reporting someone!”
Don’t forget, while you are reporting 1 person, someone else may be reporting YOU! Just because you were punished doesn’t mean we didn’t punish the other party. Maybe you were BOTH punished Please do not ask “if the other guy” was also punished. The answer will most likely be “probably”.