KyoDaz's Class Suggestion Masterthread


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Also in details header, Steward not Stewart

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Mega threads are fun

Was just about to ping you Nuclear, haha.

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Pls give thoughts when you have time to review.


Do be prepared to be typing forever if you intend to list every error that I’ve made.
The list will be quite extensive.


I’ve made extensive lists before. That’s not a problem.


Do you believe that just adding
Hired Protection (Day) - Your target will be night immune tonight to non-bd killers. (2 Uses) on BD class and
Bribed Protection (Day) - Your target will be night immune tonight. (2 Uses) on conversion
would be fine considering it’s a unique? It adds more of a support theme to it without adding too much power. It’s also bypassed by some abilities.

Why? This just seems like a needless passive.

Aka: Worse Noble Gossip.

Negative utility, and honestly kinda just annoying. At least just make it so it won’t flip but you still keep it in the meantime.

Auto confirm. This is why the Hunter was reworked.

Define negative effect.

What will show instead?

Swingy. You don’t want converts increasing the KPN (stabilizing it is fine)

A whole lot of setup for a fairly weak ability. Also this is support.

Autoconfirms all princesses, pretenders and (in the unlikely event someone tries) Nobles/Drunks.

I know Noble can do that too but that’s his entire thing. This is just a tact on passive.

Autoconfirm. Especially in cult games.

Between this and the King it’s kinda starting to defeat the point of the first trial phase.

Aka Support empower. How does this work on conversion?

Auto confirm <3

What happens if one of them is jailed?

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That’s just the big stuff. I’m sure I could nitpick on the details, but those aren’t important until everything has a solid base to work with.

You’d essentially never be able to see offensive classes which is not as intended. Also…

is the reason it’s undetectable. She can also be fake-claimed as things like Assassin ect.

Yes; and no at the same time.
This can confirm multiple things such as;
Alchemist bombing, enforcer, herbalist, visits ect.
It’s honestly a better and more balanced version of gossip.

It’s negative utility on the Butcher to deter Blue Dragon from randomly bleeding. However I do agree with changing it so that their logs can still be accessable.

I believe I do need to change the confirmability on the Butcher a bit. I’ll change it to an unstoppable attack.

The princesses, nobles, drunks and clerk can all be converted whereas the noble immediately finds out if they are. This also requires the players waste a visit on the clerk, trust him that he is in-fact the clerk, being a possible fool, AND be royal blooded. I don’t believe it autoconfirms them at all provided his abilities are reworked.

These do need changed; I have substitute versions but they are plenty weaker.

This was probably unneeded. I’ll remove it.

Convert immune players will not be converted; I should probably word it so.

It bypasses jail. I forgot to add a passive alongside it that is crutial to it’s balance.

I shall change the classes accordingly. Thank you Nuclear.

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A message to the King is undetectable? How exactly are you going to stop the King from knowing he’s recieved a message without also stopping him from reading the message?

I was referring to the passive Nocturnal.

Ok well I wasn’t. Nocturnal isn’t an auto confirm, it just makes her stronger in the most boring way possible.

Of these only the Alch bomb wouldn’t be seen by a Noble.

Of those that remain the Noble gives more specific results to the point where you can usually determine the exact class and ability of the visitor.

Noble’s ability is broken and needs reworked. I don’t think comparing abilities to gossip currently is the best way to balance things.

The point isn’t a balance one. Rather an originality one. If gossip is broken then the solution is to fix gossip. If this is a less broken gossip then why not put it on the Noble instead of this random class idea?

In other words. If it was a stronger gossip I would have the same exact complaint. The issue isn’t that it’s stronger or weaker, the issue is that it’s using a niche that’s already accounted for.

Ah I see.
I personally think Gossip should be completely reworked. Until this even has potential to be implemented in the game I won’t worry about originality for a bit. It’s just a concept that can be changed.

You should. If the class isn’t original then why bother implementing it? Whatever things it can add could be added more efficiently by altering the class it’s similar to.

In fact designing that way leads to more versatile and well defined classes.