Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

You’re wrong, but okay.

I mean, this bug would never happen if discourse had pages. Also we wouldn’t have to bookmark specific posts to reference them later.


Just remember them nerd.

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I unironically had to make a text doc for it before so I wouldn’t pollute my bookmarks so eh.

Alright, time to stop being distracted by the cookie thread and go read the games that I want to read.

But cookie thread.

I mean, MU does have a newbie game in signups right now, so I could theoretically make that my first game there but there are no Noots.


MU good but MU also bad.

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MU has automated votecounts, which is pretty cool

unlike Aretebot, Modbot’s votecounts are accurate

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Okay, but you’re cute.




Aretebot best bot.

Also N.1, even I have a MU account so the point stands.

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But you’re better than Derps.

I honestly don’t know where this is coming from and I really prefer to not talk behind people’s backs.
SDA might not be the best player there is, but he is far from being the worst either. He’s playing the way he thinks is optimal and at the very least he tries to do something?
Your comparison makes no sense because I don’t play to begin with. Ergo, SDA is better than me.
Not to mention that this discussion shouldn’t be a thing to begin with.


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ok while I agree with your point and what you said I do want to point out that there would be a good comback of “0 is still greater than any negative numbers”. I don’t think that but I just saw a good comeback and had to say something