Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I was talking about individual game in OPMash
They did play that one fairly well

my best towngame by far was memesky’s mountainous which got canned

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i had all 3 wolves on day 1 and i didn’t misclear any of them

Hippo’s best towngame was the one where he got into wolfchat.

my best game was prolly either FoL26 or SFoL60

my best groupscum game… i think lotr but i had great teammates

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He should have been the lynch in f5 anyway.

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my best one is anarchy

because I also got into wolf chat


@Arete or @anymod can you change my name back to sulit please and thank you

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Yes, soolit, I won’t have to call you sooleet anymore!

arete’s prolly asleep but you can try pinging @Chloe


no no n o no

I need people to list 3 problems they think of when I play as a villager

this would be very helpful when over-thinking how to improve my play

Anyway that was the game where I learned that you need to reeval sometimes in lylo.

i want to actually have a good individual wolfgame which is why RAND ME GROUPSCUM PLS
and yes you do need to reeval always

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I need a nickname for Marshal…


I’ll call him Swampal.


That has the same amount of letters as marshal

