Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

W e a k

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Sorry for trying to have a normal sleep schedule

Its rare around here

I’m making up for everyone else

uni keeps things positive

which is good for village
and for mafia

he’s just a joy for everyone



now I’m at the part of Alien Tumblr where this one specific person insisted on always having her characters argue obviously incorrect things like ‘if you’re less privileged in some way then you’re automatically allowed to knowingly and deliberately make false claims in arguments, and people pointing that out is Problematic’ and then got mad at us when our characters didn’t agree with her characters

that was a thing

But isn’t being terrible at something mean you do a lot of mistakes in that area?

I slept today from 1am til 8am

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Are the forums calling me fat

tumblr is a magical website because it’s obviously imported from another universe yet somehow is populated by people from this one

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better the forums than me

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I could see a world where this becomes bothersome very quickly but this is one of those ideas that could be amazing if done well.
Looks like it wasn’t, though.

I actually have class in leas than 6 hours and I still need to finish up a debate paper before classes start

Kat im like

Half your size

it’s the signature website of extradimensional invaders, but only the relatively chill ones

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okay but


shut up

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ok chloe aint holding back

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well, this was in fact Tumblr-from-an-alternate-universe


Okay but

Im a shorty

in my defense i am taller than her

and shes smol

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each universe has some other universe’s tumblr

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