Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

i was gonna post it but i wasnt in my room at the time ree


Chloe has higher APM confirmed :^)

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Here is my convertable scorned btw

Also also Amelia: What if I gave the other sellsword equivalent a suicide bomb

  1. no
  2. the opposite of yes
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I swear they’re balanced

I dare you to actually post your Occultist in that thread.
It will fit in very well.


Once again
Blame Alice :eyes:

that works

Was exploding people her original idea? I thought that was yours.

meanwhile the suicide bomb sellsword is possibly going to be a thing if eevee approves

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It’s bootleg Sigil of Thunder from her Thaumaturge, so yes

I’m just telling you that if you don’t post it then I will :^)

But you see ans

This is where you are supposed to scream about being boxed in.

Nah it’s fine
/Finale Hex
/vote Anstreim

Wait, that’s illegal!

It is
because finale hex is a night ability

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I kind of want to see the suicide bomb stay
But at the same time
I don’t know if it will :eyes: