Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

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Lmao you even try to use correct grammar in hidden text.

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on a totally unrelated note

if I say ‘the 2-4-6 test’ does that mean anything to you

Uh, hold on, am googling what that is.

don’t Google it if you’re not familiar

no don’t Google it @Jane

oh i know this one
i’ll sit out


If you’re trying to tell me something you should probably do it in a less nerdy way but I’ll definitely try to figure it out for like half an hour.


assuming you didn’t look it up, do you want to learn what the thing is

I’m not trying to tell you anything it’s just mildly interesting and you seem likely to be in the intersection between ‘would think it’s interesting,’ ‘is awake at the moment,’ and ‘doesn’t know what it is’

Sure. Ennerden me.

I mean, I’m pretty sure I’m awake right now, yes.


so the way it works is that I have a rule in my head, and groups of three numbers can either meet or not meet the rule

your job is to figure out what the rule is

to do this, you can give me as many sets of three numbers as you want, and I’ll tell you if they do or don’t meet the rule

when you’re ready, you can guess what the rule is

you know that 2,4,6 is an example of a triplet that meets the rule

Ici knows the rule, so he can keep me honest on not trying to change it to trick you

(feel free to ask for clarification if that explanation doesn’t make sense)

It does, I just think it’ll take a very long time.

14, 18, 24

yes, that meets the rule

Okay… I don’t think it’s very likely that I guessed it on the first try though.

102, 138, 198