Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

yes, that also meets the rule

Okay so… I was correct the first time? I highly doubt that though.

30, 38, 46

yes, that meets the rule

observes closely

AAAA I was trying to do one that doesn’t meet the rule.

13, 19, 37

also meets the rule

i have 3 theories but i’ll let jane figure this out

unless they want to phone a friend

Is the rule that every triplet meets the rule?

I honestly have no idea what else it could be.

that is not the rule

3.57, 8.42, 1.27

that does not meet the rule


2, 6, 4

that also does not meet the rule

katze thinks that their 3rd theory is correct

Okay, so is it that the numbers must be in ascending order?

If it isn’t I’ll probably just stop.
And then be dissapointed because it was really simple.

what is katze’s third theory

theory 1: 3 numbers
theory 2: any amount of whole numbers
theory 3: 3 numbers in ascending order

with the caveat that “3 numbers” specifically might not be important


both of you are correct

(technically it’s ‘three real numbers’ but that was kind of implied by the wording I gave you at the beginning)

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I did it!

Back to trying to signal the thing to aroot.

so like

there are specific ways that people normally get this wrong

but you didn’t do any of them

so good job?