Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

What were the specific ways and do you know what I was thinking the rule was?

(specifically: most people come up with a hypothesis, test a bunch of triplets that fit the hypothesis, and conclude that their hypothesis is right, but you specifically tried to guess triplets that didn’t fit what your hypothesis was, which ended up allowing you to rule out some incorrect hypothesis when it turned out that your guess fit the rule)


no, but I’m curious

It was probably a little overcomplicated but “numbers that are 1 greater than prime numbers” (considering 1 to be a prime number)

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I mean, I could theoretically confirms it in DMs I guess?

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slowly nods

i understand everything

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Good job kat.

Arete didn’t btw.

i totally get it all

im definitely not just reading along and waiting for arete to solve it for me :sunglasses: