Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

ah yes I secretly removed all kills in between getting approved and now

i’m literally ITAly
i have never missed an ITA shot


I know that KP exists but you saying

kinda gives it away :^)

The classes are good though and I’m excited.

Also by the way that’s technically a lie because of groupscum killer so :eyes:

i still need to bully arete into titling me God of ITAs

What will you do if you roll knight equivalent

implode into a singularity

You know I was expecting you to say N1 yolo CS because you have a gun

bitch ass motherfucker



i even hit my dayvig-that-had-a-chance-to-fail

Maybe it’s a private modification in the vip lounge.
ITAly hits all ITAs.

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i bribed the hosts

fun fact: in anime FM, eevee confirmed to me that i would’ve hit my ITA even without the bonus

Anime FM?

i was cult leader

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Disclaimer: He was not leading an actual, correct version of the Cult.

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hi chloe