Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

i am a texan
i have the fastest draw in the fucking west

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/vote italy


Whenever I roll wolf I think

Why do I even play this game?

Whenever I roll town I think

Why do I even play this game?

wait italy if you get voted once on D1 you just fucking die

and you’re italy so thats going to happen

So overall
Why do I even play this game

to be fair the logic was sound from town PoV too
i just knew in the event that i did end up 1v1ing you, it’d be better without the grand trial

but i had the ability to bomb kings :eyes:

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what if you roll 3p

and you completely cut off any useful D2 discussion

I don’t

depends on if there’s a day 1 lynch or not
but killing the discussion extremely early day 1 is kind of

actually pro gamer?

this is the ultimate selfvote + ate class


5 seconds into day 1
“smh i can’t believe you’re all so bad at this game but fine if it gets the game moving along i’ll just fucking do it myself” /vote italy @katze :hammer:

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italy voted dead

italy | italy | 69/69

italy wuz


Wolfaly :shield:

Mafia Depressed
Shattered Will (Passive) - After playing scum for 4 games in a row, your will to live has been completely shattered. You will be modrevealed as a member of the Mafia at the start of day 2, and only require one vote to be lynched. No matter what rules the host has in place, you may vote yourself.
Without Fail (Day) - Once again, Italy has a gun. Nobody could’ve predicted this. Kill a player, any player. Even if abilities cannot be used, you can use this ability day one. - Infinite Uses
Without Fail (Night) - Once again, Italy has a gun. Nobody could’ve predicted this. Pick a player, they die. - Infinite Uses
Defeat the uninformed majority.

what did you expect

Felix Argyle

Blue Dragon Killer
La Soleil Cafe (Passive) - You are masons to all Catgirls. Your private chat is called La Soleil Cafe
Armored (Passive) - Your first successful use of Defend will not kill you.
Defend (Night) - You will guard the target player tonight, giving your life to kill their attacker(s). - Infinite uses :crown:
Cold Steel (Night) - Choose a player to attack. If they are a member of the Blue Dragon, you will also take your own life. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Enforcer or The Acolyte

imagine voting someone day 1 to place pressure or something and then host goes “Silence! That’s hammer.”

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i need to make the ultimate shitpost class

it will contain a little bit of everything

Just name it katze

Doesnt need abils

Thats the ultimate shitposting class

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i think i’m obligated to make Townaly now

i mean, this exists

and it’s nearly purrfect

i think since december i could make a slightly better one, but this i still appreciate this one greatly

the compulsive ITAer is subtle but beautiful

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That class is too good and shouldn’t be made worse by being branded with your name

It doesnt deserve that

but half of why that class is good is because of the cat parts

ill make a katze class later, im working on another meme class

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