Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Aight guys lets make a new thread for ongoing games

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sao is just
it’s bad
it’s hot trash with some of the worst tropes ever

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i say that as someone who watched it all


can you send me a message with one of the cool orange envelopes?

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i don’t watch anime but ive heard enough people trash on SAO for me to think its probably bad

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I love star trek and star gate

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there are some reddit posts out there when i was a huge fan of it and i hate that

But this is an ongoing cookie game!

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You should watch Death Note, katze.

thatd require me to watch anime tho

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Shows about random people

Those are letdowns and I seriously don’t know why people are watching/making them. Science fiction is cool as hell but on the flip side its also done poorly most of the time. So this is such a weird spot – though again, its not like I watch a lot of shows.

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i mean it

is truly god fucking awful

I really wish that SAO(at least the first part before the weirdass elf shit idk i wasn’t paying attention) could be a real TV show with not animated people and no anime tropes

i like the premise a lot

the entire thing can be described as a messy power fantasy / fanservice bundle with nothing to teach you and nothing to make you think about
it’s just bad
when you don’t take it seriously it’s less bad but still disgusting at points


Yes, it would.

Trust me, you won’t regret it.

The Dragon Prince is unironically actually good

like it’s a kid’s show but it’s still good

‘but Arete that’s not an anime’ shhhhhhhhh /best girl Claudia

I was told to watch Your Lie in April

I have no clue what its about other than the fact that a piano is involved

What are you guys talking about?

but anime bad :angry:

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Imho you can make Scifi low-budget
I dont need the effects etc etc
I just need my sense of wonder
And that’s what I get by my own imagination

i’m talking about anime and how i prefer to watch stuff that makes me think
which is why i like seinen