Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

She gets obsessed

I’m throwing it for her now but she will wear herself out yet never stop

Lemme get a pic of the pretty girl

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You could hide it in a shelf.

Or in the pool, idk if she’d look there.

Also, she is heccing cute.

Frisbee has a school name. Hence the whiteout


I think I saw that on netflix somewhere

it’s actually surprisingly solid ngl based on the guest episode

i’m just saying


supreme calamitas is british, and that’s canon
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i42 terraria server when


tonight is going to be a terrible night
the blood moon has risen

Minecraft server first.


I wonder if I can convince Kyo to stream whatever you nerds are playing.

Imma toss it on the roof when we’re done

She’ll figure out a way to get to it if it’s anywhere else

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My cat is insane

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I’d stream for ya

You could probably also convince me to stream.

You’d have to find my channel though.

She’s obsessed with ice

She knows what the ice maker sounds like

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You want a cold drink? Too bad, the ice is hers.

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