Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


I didn’t even notice that

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Oh nvm you hella far

I’m too lazy to edit

specifically super mana

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It’s 2 letters lmao.

chloe pls
i have full solar set

and i’m just saying
crawltepides in master mode will probably fucking suck

It took me a solid 5 minutes to figure out you’re talking about terraria

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just sulit things™

Manual Like

crawltepides are the bane of my existence

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if you even dare to JUMP, they will rip you in half
and they hit like fucking trucks

Jokes on you because I have

tungsten armor

Impending doom approaches…

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Aroot, how did the Bio “lab” thingy go?

ok so sidenote

what the fuck happened to r/worldpolitics

I’m subscribed to a bunch of political subs

and on my home feed

r/worldpolitics is just filled with uh lots of nsfw

Uhh wut

my thoughts exactly

im very confused