Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

i like my pfp so i dont wanna change in unless its for memes

Is your pfp you?

recently revealed in the war room
but yes
idk why poeple would think its not lmao

Cheese is a cutie

Also idk lmfao, it coulda been a movie reference i didn’t know

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thanks :stuck_out_tongue:

no that’s just me eating a stick of celery

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i could not for the life of me figure out what the heck was in your mouth

It all makes sense

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how did y’all not know that cheese’s pfp was cheese

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it’s celery

imagine if you’re just chilling in your club room during lunch
your friend pops out like a 30k camera for “purposes”
then takes a papparazzi shot of you eating

“purposes” my ass
my favorite photo to date
my second favorite photo is also one of me eating celery lmao


How do you have two good images of you eating celery?

Are they both from the same day or do you just have a love for celery

no i just
tend to have a lot of papparazi friends

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I have like, 2 pictures of myself, that im okay with

And both of them have a dog
Dogs make every picture better


actually i only have one

who counts as like

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ur a dog

I dont deserve to be called a dog

Dogs are too good for that comparison, thats rude

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GuYs whAt goES iN ThE Box??

‘yes’ (no quotes)

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It wasnt a yes or no question

From what little Spanish I know, I’m pretty sure it’s just no.

guys, it’s a trick question

that’s a line, not a box

you all failed

git gud