Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


it’s not like I can do anything else during summer

it’s like 110 degrees out the entire time

sleep is just


You can play FM.

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hmm tru

i just used alternate days

time goes by real fast

this is winter break
record time of 79.5 hours of sleep

i gotta go to class in 5 hours


i dont think i could sleep that long

my sleep schedule is still tied to the sun in that when it comes up I wake up

which is probably bad in that I’m staying up till 1am now everyday

I am in class right now.

Everyone is muting each other.

It’s Civil War.

how can people mute eachother

what app r u using


thanks for sharing

I agree

invest in some thick curtains
will cost you $200 for an extremely good night’s sleep
good in summer when the sun’s up at like 5am

We’re using Teams.

You can even remove others.

you see I would but when I ask madre is like

'yOu AlreADy have BLIIINIDS"

And I also would just never wake up

that sounds fun

We use zoom which is not that fun

the best thing you can do is PM your friends imgur links of memes

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same here

except my schedule’s really tied to the sun

can’t sleep when it’s light out

she got tired after i bothered her at 5:30 every morning for 2 weeks

it’d be gamer if we used discord

this is not allowed for us lmao
teacher turns off pms