Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I meant it worked in Vanilla Ice Cream.

Tbh an example of a really good LyLo from town is mountainous 15’er

time was taken, positions were fleshed out, and town ended up winning even if my science went wrong

i used fake selfmeta to convince datbird i wasnt scum

like if mountainous 15er happened 1 scumgame later i 100% get lynched in lylo

i died inside when in vanilla nightless a town snapvoted 2 times in a row in lylo
different town each time

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better than snapvoting 12 minutes in

I’ve been working on my current project (a scarf) for literal years

I used to work on it when we would visit my late great-grandmother, but only when we would do that, which meant that as I started to get busier in high school I was … not really working on it very often

but now it’s going pretty quickly

I’m vaguely worried that I’m going to run out of one of the colors of yarn I’m using before I finish it

Vanilla nightless LyLo with kat was not done well

but ended up working out, off of kinda a stroke of pure luck

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww arete

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the 2nd LyLo was nearly a town win

but again snap-voting lost it for town

im still mad at eevee

not because he was right, but because he admitted i wasnt his top SR

and im mad at how that game ended for other reasons

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Pretty much.

Here in XYLOs I usually just see a bunch of mech-talk, tunneling without re-evaluation, and snap voting.

Like, see how RM4 went with every villager just snap-voting their own personal scumreads despite that if two villas vote another then the wolves could, and did, quickhammer.

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I’d like to think we did an okay job of handling LyLo in the Cop13er

but I’m probably biased, because I was alive and we won :upside_down_face:

(Mountainous 15er seems more notable because the most scumread player going into F3 was a villager, and town still won)

quickhammering should be bannable by the way
it’s such a shitty strategy you’re a terrible person for quickhammering as a wolf
why would you win the game when you can retain morality and not win it


Which one?

but Alice

it’s clearly the superior strat to snapvote in LyLo and then call the wolves morally awful people for quickhammering

you just aren’t on that level


yeah that lylo was actually good and was handled like lylos should be

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I need a link.


it was like the muppets flavored cop13’er

if we had won that rand we 100% won that game

if jake or kyle submitted a kill I think our chances of winning were way better