Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

like that must fucking suck

It was a PB for him too

ah then it’s not that bad

Nah it still is

He lost to the guy coming from loser’s bracket, so he lost the first run then lost the rematch by the 0.05 seconds

All the cool conversations happen on european timezones


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luckily for me I only slept for 3 hours so I could get all the cool cookie thread conversations


Ive had my daily dose of nope already

What induced this daily dose of nope

Lizard in the pool filter

Meaning I was likely swimming alongside a lizard for a while

At least it’s… intact.

Oh my

Meanwhile I’m over here
Making some grammatical changes to Regal Lions
when will I have something actually interesting to say


Just make something up.

But but
I’m uncreative

Well I guess the interesting thing is that SFoL 61 passed review so cult soon :eyes:

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It’s not that hard.

Yesterday, a cat somehow got onto my windowsill even though it’s on the first floor.

That was mildly amusing.

The fact that I had to go rescue it with a ladder was less amusing.

But everyone knows I don’t own cats

That was just an example, nerd.

You say this when Arete and Anstreim are in thread

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