Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


it’s because The Straights™ would realise that what they’re writing is total garbage if they were writing things they didn’t instinctively feel were right

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Marshal give me any galaxy/constellation/celestial body.

well i wouldn’t know
i don’t think i’ve ever been in love
and i’ve never had a girlfriend
i don’t particularly care (I think), sans the fact i wouldn’t be alone then but these are just ramblings tbh

this is the reason i would never consider writing about romance if i were ever going to write something

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well ya gotta look for the target audience

it’s always gonna be “sarcastic funny straight dude” with “moderately attractive female” cuz that’s what makes money

I like one particular marriage
Have you ever watched Boston Legal?
It was awesome

being in love is overrated tbh

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You’re overrated

true tbh

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It’s annoying.



my zodiac sign

thats fair

i kind of get annoyed at myself nowadays if i feel any sort of attraction towards anyone

mostly because the past has scarred me :eyes:


Aires gang represent

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pats katze
kats patze?

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:b:ats :b:atze


the joycats have ruined you shown you the way

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being in love is cool but not compulsory

this post was brought to you by the fuck heteronormativity gang

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It’d be less annoying if I didn’t fall in love with people way out of my league.

I love you

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you know what would be cool
not being alone
says i, the one who does little to change that