Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

the dynamics of The Straights™ will always be entirely unknowable to me, whereas at least I understand on an intuitive level the romantic shenanagins of The Gays™

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ici’s typing style is always amusing

Good choice because Cancer constellation has some lovely star clusters such as Messier 44


I understand all
I am all-knowing

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+Another :eyes:


bitch nobody is out of your league

You have a good personality and should just go for it

this message was brought to you by the one who will never go for it

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tbh the concept of “leagues” is just silly

i tried to pretend they never existed because they do no good, only bad

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Well… uh… most of the times, yes.

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Okay trying to pinpoint vulgard in a conversation is hard now

Im resorting to looking for joycats

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on a serious level I feel like I get why straight men find women sexually attractive but I don’t get why romantically, and on the other hand I do get why gay men find men romantically attractive, but never the full picture, and never in myself

i feel like it’s just some things my aroace ass brain is able to intuitively understand

Free me from this torment.


Just tell me which posts to like for you
I gotchu

okay, everyone (including any heteros here I guess) what’s the weirdest thing you’ve noticed that straight people do that makes no logical sense and it’s specifically a straight thing?

I feel like emotions in general are scary after you’ve spent most of your life trying to suppress them, so here we are.


personally for me it’s that thing where they rank female beauty using number scales
apparently that’s a thing that some of them do unironically
for some reason

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okay yeah but lets not personally attackatze


haha imagine doing that amirite :upside_down_face::upside_down_face::upside_down_face:

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Its a personal attack on both of us, I suppose.

Is this where I insert virtual hugs

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it’s something that you really get more from The Straights™ and I do not understand what the value of that is when it seems that on every level attraction is effectively binary