Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

kamikaze is bad

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Did you just seriously manage to incorporate puns based on your name into two posts in a row.

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I’m still confused about why they care about people’s appearance rather than any traits that actually matter

idk if there is a gay option for tinder at all

but like tinder in genral

is some prime straight culture


there is a gay option on tinder, yes.

There is

But its ass

All the chicks are juST eXpeRiMentiNG

im about to do a pro gamer move

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yeah i’ve never heard of it being an actual thing

and so I assumed it wasn’t

Whats that, gamer

@Arete rename me to a pro gamer move plz


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spaces aren’t a thing IIRC


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i feel the real biggest mistake was letting the straights make the word “do” also be a euphemism for sex

do you know how hard it was to find this picture


This is a question that has been bothering me for a while too, because as long as I can strongly relate to the person and share my weird, jumbled feelings with them – they are automatically beautiful in my eyes. No matter how they look.

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Kat stop

oh you just unprofile pictured me

thats fucked

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Ah, I see you’ve finally accepted our lord and savior Corax.

I love you