It should be the opposite.
The law doesn’t make things just.
Justice should be what makes the law.
It should be the opposite.
The law doesn’t make things just.
Justice should be what makes the law.
other drugs obviously do have bad medical effects
but instead of rehabilitation, america decides to lock people up instead
america is full of fearmongerers and people who buy it
you ever seen that movie that talks about how dungeons and dragons is literally a game created by the devil?
I’m scared those links are rickrolls
im just gonna play minecraft
Haven’t they also poisoned alcohol during prohibition
Like, every damn state-sponsered atrocity in history was considered legal.
At times legal is the opposite of moral.
america fuck yeah
I was sitting in a case where an old man had serious amounts of cannabis. Thought he’s a dealer. Turned out he was only keeping it for a friend, it wasn’t his. He personally had only very small amounts, for his pain. He got away very very lightly, not inno, but the least punishment possible
yeah they did
I descended from the people who they tried to poison
they did that
Dealers shouldn’t get away so lightly because they could be giving it to people underage.
If we legalized cannabis, small coffee shops like seen in Amsterdam would profit from it rather than criminals who are most likely also smuggling in worse drugs.
fuck the law
anarchy anarchy anarchy
doesn’t it do like
the exact opposite or something
‘if we’re concerned that people are doing something that might cause them harm, the solution to this is not to do something that will harm them more’ seems like it should be really intuitive and obvious
and yet
dictatorship dictatorship dictatorship
legalize all drugs and i can’t believe im saying this
regu- regula-
i can’t say it
anprim gang