Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

drug dealers should be punished
people who take drugs should be rehabilitated

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so many damn people are in power who fear monger and use religion maliciously and fear or racist/homophobic tendencies to control the laws

*sidenote, i’m not saying religion is bad. I’m saying people who try to use religion to influence laws or scare people into supporting them are wrong.


Oh also those coffee shops would prevent sale of those drugs to minors, not that they won’t get their hands on them but it’d reduce it slightly and again allow small legal businesses to sell rather than criminals

You really don’t seem to understand what the world would be without law.
But I don’t care enough to argue with you about it, especially considering that this is most likely a meme.

Suicide is forbidden here, and they keep you in psychiatry until they believe you are stable again

I’ve seen churches all over reddit claiming to be essential businesses but not being taxed as such
What is up with that???

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oh no he smoked a marijuana because it helps with their anxiety

fucking brainwash them

im glad you came to your senses


it’s like gay marriage
the only real “argument” against it is a religious one.

but people in power still kept it illegal despite the church and state being seperate


marijuana is a completely different case compared to things like heroin

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Greedy pastors insist on keeping churches open so they can still receive tithes.



But Marshal, imagine letting two people of the same gender get married.
The horror.


dats stupid

everyone should have a right to die despite my own moral objections

People want to remove it because of tradition
I’m like
Why are we even still performing marriages in 2020, they are nothing more than a legal binding now

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Inpatient psychiatric treatment seems likely to be less harmful than prisons?

(but US laws surrounding suicidal people do have some issues, like, they sometimes lead to people not reaching out for help because they don’t want to be involuntarily committed)

lots of businesses
how do i say this
don’t give a single damn about human life, and would literally kill for a quick buck


ans it’s gonna turn all of our kids gay!

I don’t want my little timmy to catch the gay if he sees 2 women holding hands! Then he’ll start worshipping satan too!


not to call out birthright, but they really were brutal in their pushing of a zionist and conservative mindset on the thing
it was so unbearable that it caused me to become a dsa member and made me realize that my religion didn’t mean as much to me as i thought it had

figures that happens when half the program is personally funded by sheldon adelson lol

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did you hear about the fentanyl crisis

Its very human. If you feel bad, you get help. Just letting you die would be inhuman.