Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

What have you done ans

The irony is that your ability is ultimately designed for you to eliminate yourself, because you are a threat to the town.
I have a different version which is much more mean.

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I have done a lot of things.

Your entire existence is a sick joke made to humor the game where some people decided to be idiots

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can I see

the OG

bro we’re going to hit 50k in like
2 weeks

Then we need a third cookie thread

More like
5 days

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just remember that it took around 3 years for the last thread to hit 50k


it’ll take this one two months

i couldnt think of a number so its now the 7th-11th digits of pi

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Granted we’re all bored at home


What happened to 27182
Also known as e

We dont suck 4head

i couldnt remember what the suggestion was
changing now

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jokes on you, forehead sucking is my kink



Blame @katze