Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Trades from non demon side will only be “soul” deals

let’s say player offers a vig
but they’re not a vig
they can’t kill at all
the deal can’t be made

it wasn’t a mislynch
it was purely tactical

then again
player can lie

which means that optimal play is to never tell truth to demon

unless you have contracts only work if non demon is truthtelling…
even then it’s a mechanic that doesn’t mesh well with fm

it works much better with other styles of games where you’re taking a risk

player must tell truth
but everything in the chat is kept secret

this definitely depends on who’s playing demon though

nobody would willingly give their soul to kat
but i personally would only kill people who intentionally annoy me and would stockpile souls just because it’s fun to watch people be stressed about how they could die at any moment

why not

Would you kill me :^)

you would kill somebody two minutes after you got their soul

actually, that’s an exaggeration
thirty seconds, tops

no, i’d give them false hope

i am eviler than you know

but you aren’t eviler than me

i am way eviler than you

do you expect to outevil a catgirl, the source of all evil?

this turned into a “chloe sings horribly” session

i am eviler than you, italy

i can prove this

i doubt it

I’m almost tempted to listen in.