Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Please listen Anstreim
She’s actually not bad

don’t do it


Chloe sounds exactly how I expected her to sound.

in return for your soul, i will completely eradicate ansrete

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what about me

do I sound like you expected me to?

like a 12 year old boy?

This is an impossible task and you know it. Deal declined.

You didn’t even speak when I was around.

Neither did you.

You sound fine, nerd.

i meowed nerd :^)

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…What are you listening to.


come come kitty kitty

you’re so silly silly

i can do anything for the right price
but you’re right
this probably isn’t a valid trade

i’ll need three souls and your vote

I am slightly tempted to say something

but then Ans would know what my voice sounds like

truly, this is a dilemma

just start typing
they’ll assume you’re a haunted keyboard

when you read something funny unmute and give ans an aretelaugh

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he left the VC

his loss

Bold, Concise, and Wise. I like it.

You don’t have to and I’ve been successfully repelled by the disgusting song.
So you are safe once again.

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