Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

speaking as a Random Site Member With Opinions, not as a forum mod:

  • Our rules are not universally the same as other sites’ rules. If someone was banned from Chief Delphi for repeatedly posting profanity, they would likely be fine here.
  • Relatedly: sites vary in how fair and objective they are. I’m sure that, somewhere, there exists a site that has manufactured legitimate-seeming reasons for banning someone who hadn’t actually done anything wrong. An uncritical policy of just banning anyone banned on another site would risk unfairly banning innocent people.
  • Some people are capable of growing and changing over time. Imagine if every site had a policy of banning anyone who ever broke a rule on any site ever – people would essentially end up ostracized just for making one mistake, when it’s possible that they can learn from then.
  • In the worst case scenario, we can just … ban the person who’s causing the problems.

i know, it’s so unheard of, people actually learning from their mistakes

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Your first two reasons are pretty moot to the point I’m talking about here.

I wrote up a response to the general question before scrolling down to see the specific example being referenced

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Different sites, different rules.


Yeah, Seth has really cut his over-the-topness here.

I don’t think he’s ever made a perverted comment so far.

You ever just gravity potion to find island stuff and chance upon the end of the world?
still makes more sense than the inferno directly next to the snow biome

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six days
six days
six days

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I hate it when I happen to have a space of literal nothingness above my ocean

Also I legit have to fight bosses there

This is the real pain

why did nobody tell me geyde was a good singer

@Geyde are you single :^)


Dont want to cause drama, but like what happened?


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Geyze :flushed:

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dat, cheese, geyde >>>>>

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Why is this forum suddenly shipping people
How much is the postage per weight


We must be in debt with the amount of people we’ve shipped at this point

We all know the only viable ship is
image x KyoDaz

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i was given the title of shipper

but geyde and dat have beautiful singing voices

cloned/marshal/chloe all have really good singing voices too tho :eyes:

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Yeah tbh Seth is fine here

He’s done nothing rulebreaking or even like line-crossing

Might be slightly irritating occasionally but so is 40% of the ppl here

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