Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

…don’t take that out of context

I’m not actually sure what my voice sounds closest to in terms of fictional characters

what if i sang to you

see the thing about Ian Sinclair’s performance as Berkut is that he’s normally calm but occasionally screams, but in a way that it’s impossible to describe with text easily. Like, it’s hard to articulate quite why Berkut screaming “UNCLE” is so amazing, but it is


my imagination of your voice is more akechi than berkut

oh no

Have you listened to the thing yet.

It’s due to contrast
Normally calm character exploding?


it does feel like that tho

i’m not complaining, Akechi is not the worst voice to have, but you know
i would’ve preferred slightly higher pitch Berkut to avoid copyright

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(that being said, I’m kind of intrigued by how far off I am)

(unfortunately my voice is kind of terrible, because puberty’s been taking a while, so it oscillates from being quite deep to a kind of softened shriek and actually come to think of it i do kind of sound like a more dissapointing Berkut irl)


my mental voice of icibalus is weird

and probably incredibly inaccurate but i’ve only talked to a few people from the UK

Yes and youre a fuckin nerd

But am I wrong on saying that it’s good.

Its good

Not my thing

Also why are we talking here

my mental voice of ici is a guy with a incredibly deep voice and a british accent
but that person is permanently shouty

Tell us about your mental voice for Ici.

you are in war room discord right