Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

no i’m not and i’m not talking

you’re not

at least

what’s your expectation for my voice

then i’ll talk
then actual thoughts

please don’t
hearing people’s voices is just as bad as talking

look i prefer text
even at school, with people i know, i prefer text

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I’ll back off and not ask you ftf

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My mental voice for ici i guess is easiest to compare with uhh

One second
Hes an OWL caster (or at least used to be)

Sideshow. Josh Wilkinson

I’m too lazy to find a good vid so

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Back to gaming i go

im like this with my family sometimes

the people i live with

this is healthy right

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i mean my mother has started nagging me with nicely written notes so she doesn’t interrupt me, which has actually been working quite well


which by the way is extremely thoughtful and i do love my mother


i’d say “i wish my mom would do that” but i do deep down appreciate her gestures

and it’s not like she’s unreasonable about it by any means

if she needs to talk to me she’ll knock on my door (or text me if she’s not home) and if i need to talk to her i’ll text her or go find her if it’s urgent

at least she never calls me unless she can’t text

like she heard me say “i always get angry when you ask me to do homework because i dislike being verbally interrupted” and she’s like “okay sure! i’ll message you in a form that’s immediate but can be read at any time, and doesn’t disturb you if you don’t want it to, and then you’ll still get reminders” and just

thank you


on a completely unrelated note i once became a minor character in somebody else’s play because i wore the same tie as one of the actors

i participated in the olympics, complained about amateurism, and in that one moment the actors all collectively gagued my exact fucking personality

as such later they were examining twitter and found that I had inexplicably managed to circumvent the character limit to write the longest tweet ever