Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

the phrasing on that wasn’t clear
i was insulting the characters for not using professionals in the sports, which were all ridiculous nonsense games, taking said games extremely seriously with a sarcastic smirk on my face
as such after the show i had a bunch of people come out of the show to thank me as well as the actors

fun fact: this happened on the same day i deduced my mother’s clothes from several miles away
it was a strange day

Bruh, I’m bad at FM.
Hi Ici!

Hey bad at FM

im chloe

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is this an attempt to pocket me i spy

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I don’t think I’m even good here, but on MU I have a terrible track record.

Chloe good.

Vul best

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No you’re not

also you’ve said ‘bruh’ more times in the past week than I can remember you saying it in the entire rest of the time I knew you and I’m mildly curious if there’s a reason



Hydra Game 2

I’ve already screwed up 2/2 LyLos I was in. There’s a reason people take me to LyLo :joy:

My reads are usually bad. I concede that I’m not as bad at other aspects of the game.

You carried me. I tried to defend the wolf who got vigged night 1.

Influence of my friends. Same thing with :joy: and :joy_cat: and plenty of other posting quirks.


I made 14 posts on all of D1

And I seem to recall you scumreading the Mendel hydra at a point when I was still super unsure about them, and you talked me into Fantiko V, and you did in fact come around to the wolf who got vigged N1 being a wolf

anyways I should sleep

really I should have already gone to sleep, but that’s not the point

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I’ve never seen a wolf with pure tone. I think it’s really tough to fake.

this is a reference to the one with Kajot and Eph right

Arete you’ll probably sleep like a log.

Do go to sleep, Arete.


Kill me now.
Ily Arete.