Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

there is only room for one nerd with a deteriorating sleep schedule right now and it’s me
i can’t wait to experience what really goes on at 5am


It was so bad, holy hell.
How about you wolfread someone the entire game, but then go “pure tone doeeeee” in LyLo and vote a LHF villager?

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was it not a reference to that :eyes:

sorry for bringing it up if that wasn’t what it was

It wasn’t and you made me remember :joy:
I laugh about it too, don’t worry. That game was just an embarrassment throughout.

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mine is getting better!

good for you but phrased in a way that is not insensitive

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I probably have a reputation for being asleep when a game here is at SoD.

V/V wagons every day and in LyLo, I declared ahead of time that I would vote Kajot, who was a wolf. Then I voted kears, who was a villager.


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Well is it my fault when time zones are a thing?

This place becomes both miraculous and horrendous in early mornings, I would recommend to stick around – so long as you do not value your sleeping schedule.
Also it would give me an opportunity to pester you further, which is definitely not something I’d pass up on.


We all have bad games

Maybe go back and analyze them and figure out what you could have done differently. Then work on fixing that one little thing then go on to the next

Don’t try to change too much at once or you’ll never improve

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Or just don’t join any new games at all.
No games – no bad plays. Behold, for I have solved the problem with minimal effort.



Have you ever, as a villager, fakeclaimed Masons with a wolf

I did everything wrong aside from getting mislynched. I didn’t get mislynched.
In hindsight, maybe I should have been mislynched.

go the fuck to sleep :angry:


My opinion about my play is too low to do that. :joy:



Oh Vulgard, did you see mine and Kyo’s adventures in LFR today? Starring such moments as:

Hey, looks like my multitarget DPS. Still impressive regardless, though, because it’s in a raid.

Well it’s not like Arcane has DoTs and all of this was done on ST.
It’s just that there were 5 determination stacks and a huge amount of debuffs on Psychus.
800k Arcane Blast crits.