Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

:master: has a way better name tho

okay but the point is that both exist

yes but




I beat you to that, nerd.

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:mithras: :mithras_hand:

no stop delete this right meow

does anyone have that picture of mithras and teemo

Why is he so squished.

Arete we’ve been over this yesterday.

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because he isn’t real

:corax: :crossed_swords: :mithras:
:noble: :sun_with_face: :one:

Okay, now I need to figure out how to emojify “Claimed to have a day ability.”


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:cult_leader: :cult_leader: :cult_leader: :cult_leader: :cult_leader: :cult_leader: :cult_leader: :cult_leader: :cult_leader: :cult_leader: :cult_leader: :cult_leader: :cult_leader: :cult_leader: :cult_leader: :cult_leader: :cult_leader: :cult_leader: :cult_leader: :cult_leader: :cult_leader: :cult_leader: :cult_leader: :cult_leader: :cult_leader: :cult_leader: :cult_leader: :cult_leader: :cult_leader:

this is the worst ship :upside_down_face:

Oh, cool so I can ship 2 good friends again?

I am in full support of this ship.

only if the two good friends are kat and Chleb


What if the two good friends were me and my crush?

Lmao, I wish.

is this OMGUS but with shipping