Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Imagine Cults actually winning when there’s 2 of them amirite

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Has Cult actually won a game

hand of byzantium 3

Cult OP :^)



I subbed into the mithras cult and then subbed out
I was the 4th person to sub out of that slot i think
So it was promptly modkilled

i was extremely busy when i joined the game and i learned the hard way doing so was stupid
but that was still somewhat amusing

Clash of Cults II
Ans cult uninformed majority
Multiball with corax cult and mithras cult once again

Some cult must win

Except the Anstreim Cult is every HoB Cult Alt with Anstreim abilities


Now that’s a game I would like to spectate.

No. There’s no such thing as Anstreim Cult and there should never be.

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Pls tell me ans abilities exist in castle of the blood god lol

Also it would be incorrect even from the lore standpoint.
My Cult would be an eager ally to the Corax Cult, should the split happen :^)

I didn’t actually know Anstreim abilities were a thing in the making of SFoL 61 sadly

saddy bois

time for editing :sunglasses:

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I forbid you to ever include any of that nonsense in your setups or else.

Damn it I had the perfect opportunity for an Anstreim pun when I was reworking Clockmaker