Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


Sans isn’t there :frowning:

me and my friends: lets play a quick game of project winter
1 game later: oh shit we’ve been playing for 6 hours

i don’t have a funny comment here

we live in a society



if you want to play among us

we’re open
uuuhhhhhh ima create soon

I was about to ask you to stream but ew, mobile games.

I’d buy it on PC if you were going to watch

go search for “hi hello”

look up game and see that it’s cool: :smirk:
sees that it’s a mobile game: :unamused:
sees that it has PC: :smirk:
Sees that “PC” is only windows support: :unamused:


Absolutely not, I’m not going to let you spend money because of me lmao.

code SVIS

we’ll get more people from the public to join if we get more ppl

why are there two hi hello’s

starting lmao

but feel free to spend money because of me :^)

im jk, use ur money wisely, but if you do stream i’ll spec too

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Marshal – Anstreim spectator gang? :eyes:


spec squad

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I would like the PC version anyway, and it’s only like £5
Problem is I can’t go into my mum’s room asking her to send me money on paypal at 6AM

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prob a sign to go to sleep :^)

I’ll get it at normal hours

definitely didnt see this on reddit

original the meme


omg haha

im laughing