Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Does anyone have experience with programming with in Visual Studio 2019?

credits to my friend, I am now moderately angry

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damn im not really a dog person but thats a cute pupper

Hi katze.


don’t question why im awake
don’t do it

Hi Vulgard.

…Why are your avatars the same?

No, I’m katze, duh.

raises hand
lowers hand

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Sorry, but you have 0 katze energy.

hi katze

why are you still awake

Because I don’t feel like sleeping.

Hahaha imagine not being sleep deprived.

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this doesn’t sound like a very katze answer

how many fingers are you holding up right now

At least 6.

but katzen don’t have fingers, they have paws!

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I didn’t say they were mine.

