Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

The real joke of this game was that they were all connected to the murderer somehow lmao

sounds fun to make tbh

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how was the cat connected

the automoderator detects alts fairly well, and if it sees 15-16 alts all being created at once it freaks the fuck out

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why the fuck is Hipp0lytus banned what is this bs :sob::sob:

I don’t remember

hes not my alt tho he real btw

dang it

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probably scratched them to death /shrug

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he was my favourite definitely not an alt user


ate the body

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Unban them it’s clearly discrimination

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You said it yourself

I can’t believe mods would hack people’s accounts now

that wasnt me who said that that was Hippolytus but with a capital i instead of an L



who the fuck thought a capital I and a lower case L needed to be the same

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i think we’d be a lot better off if we didn’t use a bastardised version of Latin script


