Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I may or may not have made that class after eating 2 month old ice cream

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something something wine

enjoy either having food poisoning or feeling crappy because you think you might have food poisoning

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It wasn’t that bad
Thing was like a block though and it was a bit ew

I was exaggerating for joke

old ice cream sucks

it’s like sticky and not really flavorful and kind of… congealed

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fair warning.
the cookie approaches

it beckons

tbh the cookie is overrated

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tbh katze doesnt know what they’re talking about

We’ve had so many cookies they don’t mean anything anymore

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They are just meaningless numbers that we shouldn’t chase.
Abandon all hope, the ‘cookie’ is a lie.

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the last cookie that mattered was this one

the best cookie was 42069 on the old thread


the one that me and jane shared? :^)

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@anon6348071 What iLvl are you again


Yeah so there is no point in you doing normal N’Zoth then lol

I mean, I could run you through it nonetheless.
Also I think even 450 manifesto would be better than one of my 460 trinkets lmao.