Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I don’t want you to join if you have nothing to gain, it’s a waste of time
Finding a DPS won’t be hard so it’s fine if you don’t join. I don’t need to use you as a bargaining chip either like one person did.

Some random in PuG: Bons has ilvl 368 (or smthn), wtf
Me, in my head: Oh yeah, we should probably kick that
Demon Hunter tank: Okay do you want me to leave then
Me: Checks DH tank’s iLvl: 467

“Maybe not”

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I mean I have nothing to do anyway.
Might as well just log in.

Worst case scenario you could stream this for me.

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Reset isn’t until like a good 5 hours or something is it?

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Oh right, it’s maintenance.

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okay but like
ice crystals

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Yeah it should be done in like 18 minutes from now

Another reason to log in since I have consumables to list on AH :^)


I don’t have consumables to sell but Zin’anthid is cheap enough to make them right now

I debated massbuying but even the trinkets that require ink from Zin are dirt cheap now. Probably not worth it.

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Servers are up.

Or are they.

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RIP My characters on Khadgar
You will be missed Death Knight, Paladin + Mage


if you were looking for it :^)

if you need context ask for it

the posts are above are some sorta RP happening soon, not relevant to the SFoL’s or FoL’s though.

also be classy with swearing and follow whatever you’d expect rules for PG site to be

there are rules and im pretty sure there are undercover mods on this site, + the tight community

ill probably join the Castle of the Blood God(that Amelia-cult majority game) and FoL 28(the next FoL). Join what you’d like. I’d recommend spectating Castle of the Blood God and play FoL 28 but that’s just my slow method to new things.

though legit you’d be surprised to how much ToS and ToL aren’t social deduction games and this is. Its different.



I guess

also site is PG-13

we are not very good at following that even

but it is pg-13

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ight well the idea is there

new rule

since PG-13 movies can use the word ‘fuck’ a maximum of 1 time per movie, said word can now be used a maximum of once per thread (total)

you just used it for us

what the frick


can someone ISO marshal then